Donate a Can 2010
This year, the Rotarians and their families plus friends were based outside 2 supermakets at one of Gaborone's larger shopping malls. They did 3 hour stints starting at 4 pm on
Friday and finishing on Sunday at 4 pm. Rotarians soon had the 'patter' going
asking shoppers whether they could include an extra packet or tin with their
purchases to help the orphans and needy children around Gaborone.
Their generosity was quite amazing and we managed to accumulate over 30 full
trolleys loads of food. The supermarkets in question also made donations to the cause based on the number of trolley loads collected from their store. Thanks go to supermarkets and their staff, all Rotarians involved in the organisation and whose who took part over the
weekend. A very big thank you needs to go to the shoppers who through their generousity made this another successful Rotary project.